Rise Above the Ordinary

Your Dream Hot Air Balloon Adventure Awaits


Experience the magic of Hot Air Ballooning

WE LISTEN, so that YOUR dream of a hot air balloon flight is an unforgettable experience.

WE CARE, so that YOUR safety is the top priority and fear of heights stays on the ground.

WE ARE HAPPY, because soaring through the air sparks joy in our hearts. We live to share that feeling with YOU and witness the wonder on YOUR faces as YOU experience the magic of ballooning.


A view from hot air balloon in Estonia. Estonia from above.


B2Fly Ballooning: where the sky opens the door to unforgettable adventures

Every flight is unique, just like every person and every dream!

Experience the sky from a new perspective with B2Fly Ballooning! We offer unforgettable hot air balloon rides that will allow you to see the world from a bird's eye view and create memories that will last a lifetime.


B2Fly Ballooning meeskond. Pilootide seiklused õhupallis.

Õhupalliga lendamine on hingemattev seiklus. Maailma vaatlemine linnuvaatest, puude latvade kohal tõusmine ja aeglane liuglemine üle põldude ja metsade vabastab vaimu ja täidab südame.
Õhupall. Hommikune lend. B2Fly Ballooning.

Classic Flight

Explore Estonia from Above

Flight for one person

Kuumaõhupalliga lendamine. Õhtune lend. Kuldne tund. B2Fly.

Private Flight for Two

Romance in The Sky

Flight for just two of you

B2Fly õhupall. Tõuse tavalisest kõrgemale. Õhupallilend.

Mini Group Flight

Celebration in The Sky

Flight for up to 6 persons

The sky is not the limit:

it is only the beginning

Õhupalli pulm. Pulmalend. Romantika taevas. B2Fly Ballooning. Pulmatseremoonia taevas. Pulmafotograafia kuumaõhupallis.

Wedding in the sky

Pop the question or say "I do" in a hot air balloon and write it in the sky for eternity yourself! Take your love to new heights!

Parim kingitus on kuumaõhupalli seiklus.

Give the gift of adventure

Seeking a truly special and unforgettable gift for someone? Struggling to find a present for that person who has everything?

Fotoseanss kuumaõhupalliga. b2Fly meeskond reisib.

More options

  • Capture breathtaking memories with an unforgettable air balloon photoshoot.
  • Experience the thrill of a once-in-a-lifetime tethered air balloon flight.
  • Elevate your brand with eye-catching air balloon advertising.
  • Arrange a unique and memorable event with hot air balloon.


Classic Flight

Embark on an inspirational journey with our solo flight ticket, designed for individual adventurers seeking to experience the vastness of the sky and the beauty of the earth in a small group setting. This ticket grants one person a spot aboard our majestic hot air balloon for an hour-long flight alongside a group of 3-6 like-minded individuals.

Geo location icon place locator tag pin marker GPS sign

Estonia: Tartumaa, Pärnumaa

Group of People Glyph Icon

1 person

Alarm Clock Icon

3-4 h adventure with 1 h in the air

Euro Currency Sign Symbol

280 /

for person

Vaade ülevalt. Reisimine Eestis. Kuumaõhupalliga sõit. B2Fly.


Private VIP Flight for Two

Embark on an exclusive and intimate journey with our VIP private flight, specially tailored for couples or two close companions seeking a unique aerial adventure. This exclusive flight will grant you the privacy and comfort of a private hot air balloon for two, offering a truly personalized sky-high experience.

Geo location icon place locator tag pin marker GPS sign

Estonia: Tartumaa, Pärnumaa

Group of People Glyph Icon

2 persons

Alarm Clock Icon
Euro Currency Sign Symbol

3-4 h adventure with 1 h in the air

840 /

two persons

Romantika. Õhupalli pulm. Pulmafotograaf. Pulmaballoonide lend. Pulmakimp. B2Fly Ballooning


Mini Group Flight

Embark on our Mini Group Flight, a delightful hot air balloon adventure tailored for families, best friends, or colleagues. This exclusive flight allows a group of up to five people to share the basket and the skies, creating a private and personalized journey through the air. Customize your experience with your choice of launch location, flyover, or sightseeing.

Geo location icon place locator tag pin marker GPS sign

Estonia: Tartumaa, Pärnumaa

Group of People Glyph Icon

5 persons

Alarm Clock Icon

3-4 h adventure with 1 h in the air

Euro Currency Sign Symbol

1250 /

per tour

Sõbrad kuumaõhupalliga. Pidustused taevas. Lendage kuumaõhupalliga ja tähistage elu. B2Fly Ballooning


About Us

B2Fly Ballooning: Where Family Takes Flight

At B2Fly Ballooning, dreams take flight, literally! We're the Bičuki, Andis and Daina, a family bound by our love for hot air ballooning. Our adventure began in 2000, but it wasn't until 15 years later that we truly united our passion for the skies.

We started with exhilarating escapades like skydiving and paragliding, but the real magic unfolded in 2016. Soaring in a hot air balloon for the first time ignited a fire within us, marking the beginning of our inseparable bond with this incredible experience. The path to becoming pilots wasn't without its challenges, but as they say, where there's a will, there's a way!

In the world of hot air ballooning, teamwork is everything, and our family is the heart of our team. This special bond brings us immense joy, making family a natural extension of our crew. From helping launch the balloon to caring for our little ones, every moment becomes an opportunity for quality family time, exploration, and witnessing nature's beauty from a breathtaking perspective.

Our bravest passengers? Our very own children! Unlike the first hot air balloon flight in 1783 that carried animals, we opted for a slightly more adventurous crew. Thankfully, just like those pioneers, we all enjoyed a safe and gentle landing.

The initial flights with our loved ones were filled with awe and excitement, not just for them, but for us too. Witnessing the wonder on their faces and connecting with curious individuals on the ground ignited a passion to share this experience with a wider audience. B2Fly Ballooning was born – the "B" representing the Bičuki and "2Fly" symbolizing our unwavering passion for flight. This passion is a legacy we hope to continue within our family for generations to come.

Our dream has transformed into a remarkable way of life. Now, we want to help your dreams take flight too. Join us for an unforgettable hot air balloon experience and create memories that will soar above the rest!


Andis & Daina

B2Fly õhupallide piloodid. Mehe ja naise piloodid. Unistuste töö. Vabadus lennates. Meeskond.

Reviews about B2Fly:

experience, that creates memories of a lifetime

Dace Robule

"I'm delighted to see you doing what you love! I don't know what others think or feel, but I know how I feel. People should live in this world for the beautiful moments. Enjoy and treasure these moments for themselves, and bring happiness to others. Duchess von Vītoliņa is extraordinarily grateful. May you continue to bring joy to many others. And...remember to capture moments of joy for yourselves!"

Gaiva un Emīls

"A heartfelt thank you for the amazing flight! We give you all ten stars out of ten and even more. We loved it! Great pilot team, feeling of safety and peace. Complete trust and a joyful, friendly atmosphere both before and during the flight.

The flight was simply superb! An emotional and visual experience that we wish everyone could have. The fear of heights stays on the ground. The basket is so peaceful and safe! We enjoyed the warm May evening. And everything is so beautiful in Latvian nature! We could observe an amazing amount of life - roe deer running across yellow rapeseed fields, hares jumping, little birds bustling in a stork's nest.. We were happy to wave at the children in the farmhouses.. Watching the shadow of the big, beautiful balloon glide over the treetops at sunset. A safe and well-thought-out landing.

And finally, a joyful surprise - the end of flight ritual - perfect!!!

We are thrilled! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

May you have a time filled with beautiful flights!!!"

Gita un Emīlija

"Your calling to pilot a hot air balloon is truly admirable. We've been sharing our stories, and many are surprised when I say that pilot Daina was simply outstanding. It's a surprise to everyone that a woman is piloting the balloon. A huge thank you... I think we'll meet again.

Thank you from the Duchess von Kalnarāji, Ginta and Emilija. The best emotions never seem to end; it was so fantastic."

Soar above the ordinary and join us for an extraordinary flight!

Rise above the ordinary, where clouds become your path and adventure awaits around every corner.

E-mail: info@b2fly.lv

Phone: +371 2002 3884, +371 2838 0009

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